Our hobbies

It is not all work at Heavin Forge as you may notice if you read the last line of text on our business card, “please visit by appointment as we may be fishing, 4 X 4ing or horse riding!”
We love fly-fishing and our area is very well known for its excellent trout fishing. They are not natural to South Africa and can only survive where it is cool enough. The altitude of our town is over 1 800 meters (nearly 8 000 feet) above sea level and the weather quite cool. We take part in all our local fishing competitions and Heather fished for her province and was even chosen for the President’s Team. Occasionally we try our hand at catching Yellow Fish who only live in very fast-moving water in the warmer areas of South Africa and are a great challenge to catch, as you have to wade into the rapids to get to them.

Camping is also high on the list of fun things to do and we love to head off on “the road less gravelled” in search of beautiful landscapes and adventure. Our favourite trips are to game reserves, especially the Kruger National Park.

We own a few horses. Heather loves to trick train the horses. Bowie the Brilliant could do over 40 different tricks and loved to play soccer; she could even hold a soccer ball!

Heather collects anvils, hats, sidesaddles, carriages, antique horse bits, spurs and stirrups.

Kevin enjoys exploring all the back roads on his motorbike.
We also enjoy riding our horses together.